
Role of curator ...


Conference on theme:

„Role of curator in contemporary art:

Does contemporary art exist without curator - theoretician?“

6 - 8:30 p.m. in Club Klamovka at Prague 5

The conference is held as accompanying program for the exhibition opening at 5 p.m. at Altán Klamovka Gallery.
CZECH ACTION GALLERIES - exhibition mapping contemporary independent gallery scene
Curator: Lenka Sýkorová
The exhibition will last until 11-1-2009, opening hours: Sat & Sun 2 - 6 p.m.

Participants of the conference will be representatives of addressed galleries and guests:
Matyáš Chochola for gallery Potraviny, Brno
Dagmar Šubrtová for gallery Mayrau, Vinařice u Kladna
Tomáš Moravec & Matěj Al Ali for gallery Petrohrad, Pilsen
Viktor Čech - active curator - theoretician
Karel Matouš Zavadil - active artist and critic - independent versus institutionalized galleries
Isabela Grosseová & Jasper Alvaer - project National representation

Unconfirmed guests:
Milan Mikuláštík
Jiří Ptáček
Luděk Prošek & Eva Mráziková, gallery NF, Ústí nad Labem
Daniela Deutelbaumová & Jaro Dufek, gallery m.odla, Prague
Ondřej Horák, Benzinka at Slaný 
Lucie Berková, Denisa Krausová, Půda gallery, Jihlava
Tereza Velíková & Tereza Severová, Entrance gallery, Prague

Part of the conference will be formed by visual presentation.
Every participant will be given 15 - 20 minutes entry.
At the end of the conference time will be reserved for discussion.
The printed version of the project forms part of the schedule.
The conference will be moderated by Lenka Sýkorová.